Alan Chan: Collecting Inspiration for Design at Phillips

Alan Chan: Collecting Inspiration for Design at Phillips

I have to admit that I felt very jealous several (okay, okay multiple) times looking at Alan’s treasures. Not only because I love beautiful and interesting things—I do!—but also because as a designer by education I can see what an amazing source of inspiration this collection is. Curiosity is a driving force for a creative process and you can ignite it with knowledge and ideas, but to keep curiosity going it needs objects, things, material stuff to interact and play with. Also collecting anything is a way to preserve memories, each object can teleport you back in time, reminding you of a person you used to be and exact feelings you had. So everyone can be a collector and benefit greatly from that.
Just remember: it is not hoarding of you have enough space to keep it.

Exhibition period: 12—27.08
Gallery address: G/F, WKCDA Tower, West Kowloon Cultural District, West Kowloon

Wilson Shieh and Tse Yim On: Trendi Club at Bonhams

Wilson Shieh and Tse Yim On: Trendi Club at Bonhams

Semper Femina at Ora-Ora

Semper Femina at Ora-Ora