The Collectible Art Fair

The Collectible Art Fair

Over 200 artists, several floors—and only 10 photos to choose for IG. Even my website has the limit of 30 photos per post. So please don’t miss a chance to go and see this impressive showcase/art fair! (Also some works are still available so hurry up!)
Co-presented by @hongkongartscentre and @hongkongartschool, and organised by @hkas_alumni_network.

Exhibition period: 22.10–16.11
Venue address: Jockey Club Atrium & Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wan Chai

Fung Chim, Costanza Gastaldi: In Dialogue with Nature at Novalis Art Design

Fung Chim, Costanza Gastaldi: In Dialogue with Nature at Novalis Art Design

Human Silk at Kwai Fung Hin

Human Silk at Kwai Fung Hin