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Jeremy Fung: Metamorphosis at SC Gallery

  • Hong Kong Hong Kong (map)

SC Gallery is proud to present Jeremy Fung’s solo exhibition, “Metamorphosis”, showcasing 12 brand new works by the artist. 

Nature has long been serving as the main source of inspiration for Fung’s subjects, as he is much fascinated by its natural rhythmic flow, and its never ending and continuous movements. In his works, ambiguous depictions of elements of nature, such as rivers, forests, trees, and bushes, are now turned into dynamic, energetic gestures and lines. His new exhibition, “Metamorphosis , showcases Fung’s powerful means of exploring themes of change, growth, and evolution, inviting viewers to contemplate the transformative nature of existence and the possibilities of personal and collective transformation.

Opening reception: 25/5 4-7pm

Gallery address: 19/F, Sungib Industrial Centre, Wong Chuk Hang

Earlier Event: May 21
Home at WOAW Gallery
Later Event: May 23
Mandala at Sansiao Gallery